family, Health, Life, PhD

World Cancer Day

Despite advances in research, ever-fascinating technology and millions of billions spent on cancer-fighting drugs, mortality due to the wide-encompassing disease still remains exceptionally high. In fact in 2014 (the latest year we have for full figures), there were 263,444 deaths from cancer in the UK and 359,960 new cases of cancer. It’s not all doom and gloom though with more people surviving and living with cancer than ever before.

I doubt many people can say they haven’t been affected by the disease at some point in their life. Maybe not directly, they may not have had the diagnosis, but a relative, a friend, a colleague will more likely than not have gone through the trauma. And is it so unexpected? I don’t really think so. We’ve created drugs and remedies that cure a lot of things so we’re living longer than ever before and we’re still living more unhealthily than ever before. So it was bound to be a matter of time before a ‘new’ disease took over the dreaded heart attacks and strokes statistics in the media.

But being the anticipated disease doesn’t make it any easier. Bad health is bad health. In 2014 one of my best friends went through the pain. Her dad was diagnosed with, among other rare diseases, an acute type of leukaemia. Blood cancer. He was only 47 at the time. He needed a blood transplant to survive.

Anthony Nolan were there to support and trawled through the database to find a volunteer donor. However, it’s not quite that simply. For a blood donation your own blood and immune system has to be completely destroyed meaning you are weak and vulnerable. Even after the transplant he had to be kept isolated and went through many horrendous complications that you can’t really imagine. Luckily he’s OK now, he still has relapses where his weaker immune system means he has to head straight to the hospital whenever he has a tiny temperature, but he’s OK. Thank goodness for volunteers.

Alysha has since run the London marathon for Anthony Nolan charity to raise funds and awareness and their family are, quite naturally, still avid fans of the work they do. And they do amazing work, as do the volunteers who have registered.

Have you registered to save someone’s life? It’s quick and easy. Donation is much simpler than before now too. Why not have a quick read on their page and sign up here? You never know, it might be someone you’re close to that needs saving.

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